Machinery and Supply is a manufacturer
and distributor of steel sprockets; cast sprockets; malleable,
combination, conveyor, welded steel, pintle, agricultural,
leaf, and sharp-top chains; roller chains; chain attachments;
bearings; speed reducers (new and rebuilt); electric motors;
power drive units; pulleys; sheaves; UHMW sprockets and wear
plates; and safety supplies.
primarily specializing in the forestry industry throughout North America, we
also service a large variety of other industries such
as mulch producers, feed mills, sand and gravel operations,
food processing plants, furniture manufacturers, and poultry producers.
We've made some changes to our website recently, and we welcome you to
look around and see what's new! By clicking on "Products" in the menu above,
you'll find a list of our availabe products, complete with pictures and detailed
information, where available.
"Company Info" will give you the
chance to find out a little more about Brown Machinery, and discover why you
should make us your first choice for
all your power transmission requirements.
If you'd like a quote, or have a question or comment that you'd like to
share with Brown, click on "Contact Us," which will tell you how to get in touch
with us.